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Teacher Retention
part of the Education Reform Network
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PT3 Resources and Strategies

The PT3 community is actively carrying out the mission of transforming teacher preparation programs so that future teachers are prepared to effectively use modern learning technologies. For many, this work has resulted in the development or use of specific resources, strategies and promising practices that would benefit other grantees and outside populations interested in furthering the preparedness of teacher education programs. (This site is the combination of multiple PT3 grantee databases: the ALTec Resources & Strategies Database, the Digital Equity Portal, and SoundPrint's Video Classroom Library.)

  1. Advocating Change
    A look at leadership within the community that is sculpting policy, new practice, and systemic reform.
  2. Conducting Professional Development
    A collection of strategies, techniques and tools to train educators to use educational technology in their teaching
  3. Evaluation Quality and Impact
    Evaluation and assessment techniques used to gauge the effectiveness of grant projects
  4. Managing Grants
    Tips and resources to help PT3 projects with the day-to-day management of their grants
  5. Providing Digital Equity
    Resources to help educators bridge the digital divide
  6. Teaching and Learning
    Methodologies, integration techniques and more.

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