Accreditation for Schools of Education
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC)
INTASC is a consortium of state education agencies and national educational organizations dedicated to the preparation, licensing, and on-going professional development of teachers. The mission of INTASC is to encourage collaboration on the development of compatabile educational poolicy on teaching, new accountatbility requirements for teacher preparation programs, new techniques to assess the performnce of teachers for licensing and evaluation, and new programs to enhance the professional development of teachers.
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
NCATE is a coalition of 35 speciality processional associations of teachers, teacher educators, content specialists, and local and state policy makers dedicated to quality teaching. The web site makes available resources and publications that support the NCATE teacher preparation standards.
Research-Based Characteristics of High-Quality Teacher Preparation
A research brief from the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development examining a research study on teacher preparation. A direct link to the research study is provided, as well as links to further readings and helpful organizations.