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Teacher Retention
part of the Education Reform Network
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Developing High-Quality Pathways to Teaching

  • Alternative Teacher Certification--An Overview
    Increasing teacher shortages have been responsible for the development of alternative strategies for meeting the demand. The National Center for Education Information explores some of these alternate routes to teacher education and certification.
  • Coaching and Mentoring First-Year and Student Teachers
    India J. Podsen and Vicki M.
  • How to Retain New Teachers
    Mentoring is not a stand-alone system for supporting new teachers. While mentoring can be an important, teacher induction must be seen as a comprehensive, structured, and sustained group process.
  • is a non-commercial website funded by The First Days of School Foundation. Rosemary and Harry Wong, both former classroom teachers, are the founders of this foundation.
  • The Project on the Next Generation of Teachers
    The Project on the Next Generation of Teachers at Harvard University is a multi-year research project amimed at addressing critical issues in attracting, supporting, and retaining quality teachers. Current studies and papers are posted based on this research.